Advantages And Disadvantages Of HIIT Workouts

HIIT Advantages and Disadvantages

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has become a popular choice among fitness enthusiasts due to its efficiency and effectiveness. HIIT workouts can provide substantial benefits in a shorter amount of time compared to steady-state cardio. This makes them an attractive option for people with busy schedules who still want to achieve their fitness goals. Despite the … Read more

The Benefits Of Weight Training For Mental Health

weight training for mental health

Let’s shine some light on weight training, not as a mere physical regimen, but as a catalyst for mental transformation. Often perceived primarily as a tool for muscle building and physical fitness, weight training quietly offers a robust suite of benefits that cater to our psychological and mental well-being. The roots of weight training stretch … Read more

The Science Behind The Benefits Of Superfoods

Superfoods benefits

We hear the term ‘superfoods’ thrown around a lot. Superfoods are nutrient powerhouses of the food world. They are mostly plant-based foods, though some fish and dairy make the cut, known for being nutritionally dense and good for our health. Now, their popularity hasn’t just skyrocketed without reason. It’s hooked to some solid facts and … Read more

Foods To Eat & Avoid For A Flat Stomach

fitasvibes: good food vs bad food

This isn’t a remake of “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”. That’s a different article for a different storyline. However, the principles may relate at some level. Just like there is Good and Bad in the movie, there is also Good and Bad in the things we put in our bodies, called FOOD. Yes, … Read more

Top 7 Weight Training Exercises For Building Muscle

weight training exercises for building muscles

Now, if you aspire to mirror the dedication of bodybuilders, you know it often means investing countless hours at the gym. But let’s be honest, not everyone has that luxury. Jobs, families, and other commitments mean we need to be smart and efficient with our workout routines. That’s why I’m going to show you a … Read more

The High Protein And Low Carb Diet Plan

fitasvibes: high protein low carb diet plan

If you want to change how you eat, a high-protein, low-carb diet is a great way to begin. It’s more than just tweaking your meals; it’s a whole new lifestyle that focuses on eating more protein and cutting back on carbs. The main idea is to help you lose weight, build muscle, and boost your … Read more