Top 7 Strength Training Exercises For Beginners

strength training

If you are looking to transform your body and boost your health, strength training offers a powerful path. When I talk about strength training, I’m not talking about lifting a whole bunch of weights, hurting your muscles at the gym as if you’re going up against Mr Olympia in a couple of weeks’ time. It’s about setting the stage for a stronger, more resilient you, without breaking your back.

Before all that though, let’s get clear on why strength training matters and how it can revolutionize your fitness goals.

Question: Why Strength Training?

Starting with muscle mayhem, when you train for strength, you’re challenging your body to adapt by becoming more muscular and vigorous. This isn’t solely for bodybuilders or athletes. It’s for anyone looking to improve their quality of life. More muscle means a more fired-up metabolism, which in turn can lead to more calories being burned, even at rest.

Aside from physical enhancement, you can’t ignore the mood boost and confidence lift that come with regular workouts. The exertion in strength training releases endorphins, those feel-good hormones that act as natural stress-fighters. Plus, having the guts to commit and stick to a routine fosters a mindset of achievement – a key aspect of overall mental well-being.

Question: As a Beginner, What Level Should I Start At?

So, you might wonder, at what level should you jump in? The answer is simple: YOUR level. That’s right, there’s a starting block for everyone. If you’re a beginner, the goal is to learn the ropes with proper form and safe techniques. More on that soon.

Consistency is KING and MOMENTUM is queen. Together, they reign supreme in the kingdom of fitness progress. The trick is to start small and keep steady. That’s how you turn healthful acts into unbreakable habits.

That’s exactly what we’re about to tackle in the next section – setting yourself up for lasting success with strength training essentials.

Strength Training Essentials: Crafting a Foundation for Health and Vitality

When I talk about strength training with beginners, I emphasize it’s not just about building muscle; it’s about building a foundation for a healthy, active life. The benefits extend beyond the physical, impacting every aspect of your wellbeing.

Strength training can:

  • Enhance metabolic rate
  • Bolster bone density
  • Elevate mood

These advantages make it clear why incorporating this practice into your lifestyle is a smart move, especially for those starting their fitness journey.

My recommendation is that you consider adding strength training as a routine to your daily life. Circling back to what I mentioned in the beginning of this article. I want to re-emphasize: Strength Training is not about lifting the heaviest weights; it’s about consistency and progression.

As you train, your body adapts, growing stronger and more capable. This translates into being better equipped to handle the physical demands of day-to-day life, whether you’re carrying groceries up a flight of stairs or playing with your kids.

Strength Training and Mental Health

The mental health benefits are equally compelling. Regular strength training can help manage stress and anxiety. It’s a natural endorphin booster, giving you that much-talked-about ‘runner’s high’ without the need to pound the pavement.

Moreover, the focus required to maintain proper form during these exercises can serve as a form of mindfulness, allowing you to tune out distractions and center your thoughts.

Now, if you’re wondering how these exercises can fit into your busy life, I assure you, it’s simpler than you think. It all starts with understanding your body’s capabilities and setting achievable goals.

I’m not suggesting lifting weights for hours on end; even a short, 20-minute session a few times a week can set things in motion, creating positive changes in both body and mind.

7-Heaven: Strength Training Building Blocks

Starting out, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of exercises available. I prioritize simplicity and effectiveness. Below are seven time-tested exercises that form the cornerstone of any successful strength training program. Each targets key muscle groups, ensuring you build a balanced, strong body.

Mastering the Push-Up:

push up demo

This is where your upper body strength journey begins. Push-Ups target your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Consistency with this exercise will lead to notable gains in upper body strength and endurance.

The Squat:

squat demo

Think of Squats as the bedrock for lower body work. They engage your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. A strong lower body is essential not just for lifting, but for everyday activities like walking and climbing stairs.

The Core of Stability:

plank demo

Planks may look simple, but they’re one of the most effective ways to build a solid core. A robust core is your body’s power center, crucial for overall stability and reducing the risk of injuries.


deadlift demo

Often referred to as the king of all lifts, the Deadlift activates your entire posterior chain, including your hamstrings, back, and glutes. Mastering the Deadlift translates to enhanced functional strength, which is fundamental for lifting heavy objects safely.

Bent-Over Row:

bent over row demo

If you’re looking to improve your posture and focus on your upper body, the Bent-Over Row is a must. It specifically works the muscles in your back which are key to a strong, erect posture.

The Lunge:

lunge demo

To improve balance and coordination, Lunges are essential. They target multiple lower body muscles at once, like your quads and glutes, and they can be done anywhere, no equipment needed.

Elevating Strength with the Overhead Press:

overhead press demo

As you press overhead, you’re not only working out your shoulders but also engaging your core. The Overhead Press is unique as it helps create symmetrical upper body strength and reinforces core stability.

Remember, the focus is on form, not just the amount of weight you can lift. Proper technique ensures you’re working the right muscles and keeps you safe from injuries. Let’s go ahead and pair these exercises with visual guides to ensure you’re on the right track.

Visualizing Progress: The Role of Proper Guidance

Imagine this: You step onto the gym floor for the first time, eyeing the weights and workout stations. You might wonder, where do I begin? That’s where proper guidance comes in. Seeing the exercises beforehand not only prepares you mentally but ensures you’re practicing safe form right from the get-go.

Follow The Leader

Proper form is your best friend when starting with strength training. It’s essential for reaping the full benefits of each exercise without injury.

Getting support from someone who would demonstrate each exercise properly can demystify complex movements, breaking them down into easily digestible steps. This approach aids in developing a keen eye for the subtleties of form and technique that can make all the difference.

With The seven exercises I’ve recommended, each comes with its own set of precise movements. By observing the proper demonstrations, you’ll master the execution much quicker. This is also an opportunity to further explore and extend your knowledge by asking the hard questions.

Correcting Form on The Go

I’ve also found that technology is making it a lot easier and convenient. With smartphones and tablets, there are a number of apps and programs that are handy for all types workouts, making it easier than ever. You can pull up an illustration or video tutorial right there on the gym floor, reducing the learning curve and helping you adjust your form in real time.

Sealing Your Commitment: The First Step is the Strongest

By now, I’ve walked you through the essentials of starting your strength training regimen. From the clear benefits for both your body and mind to the list of effective beginner exercises, you’re equipped to take the first step on a transformative path. Remember: Strength training isn’t about building muscle; it’s about building a lifestyle that values persistence, health, and well-being.

The 7-Heaven Recap

The seven exercises I’ve detailed are your building blocks. With push-ups, squats, planks, deadlifts, bent-over rows, lunges, and overhead presses, you have a training toolkit that spans your entire body. These movements will fortify your foundations, ensuring that as you grow in strength, so does your confidence to tackle more complex challenges.

Stay Motivated: Get To Work

It’s one thing to understand the value of strength training and quite another to integrate it into your daily life. Consistency will be your ally. It’s not the occasional workout that forges strength, but the habit of training regularly. Even on days when motivation wanes, remember the goals you’ve set for yourself. Envision the healthier, stronger person you aspire to be.

Begin where you are, with what you have. Your starting level is perfectly suited for today, and with each session, you can build up to more. Mark your progress. Celebrate your victories, however small. And remember, I’m here to guide you, but the real work, the commitment, that comes from you.

So lace up your shoes, set up your space, and prepare to meet the new you — one rep at a time.

Let’s get to Work!

4 thoughts on “Top 7 Strength Training Exercises For Beginners”

  1. Hello. I think there are a lot of the benefits to strength training. But for someone that is looking for a more toned look. I’m just wondering what you would advise how I could incorporate that into my strength training. Any advice for that? And also how much protein would you recommend for a guy that weighs 180 lb? Thanks a lot.

    • Hi Jake, thanks for reaching out. Not sure where you’re at with your training but here’s my addition if you’ve not already done so. More of a customized general guideline to keep you on track for your best results.

      Regarding protein intake, at 180 lb? Try and consume around 0.7 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, per day. This should get you to about 126 to 180 grams of protein daily. Should be sufficient to support muscle growth as well as muscle recovery.

      Hope this helps, keep up the good work!

      Jake’s Plan 2024

      Training Type

      Combine Strength and Cardio
      Integrate both strength training and cardiovascular exercises into your routine. Aim for at least 3-4 days of strength training and 2-3 days of cardio each week.

      High Reps, Moderate Weights
      Focus on higher repetitions (12-15 reps) with moderate weights. This can help build muscle endurance and definition.

      Compound Movements
      Incorporate compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows. These exercises work multiple muscle groups and promote overall muscle growth.

      Maintain a regular workout schedule and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts to continue making progress.

      Ensure you are eating a balanced diet with adequate protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. Consume about 126 to 180 grams of protein daily

  2. The whole way you present strength training is perfectly systematized and understandable. However, at the end of the text, you wrote a phenomenal sentence that was in my head the whole time I was reading it: Strength training is not about building muscles; it’s about building a lifestyle that values ​​persistence, health, and well-being. Therefore, I am fascinated by the approach that is not only about muscles but about a complete lifestyle. Good work!


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